Monday, 24 October 2011

9-9-9 Tax Plan Changes: Herman Cain Wages War on Workers (ContributorNetwork)

COMMENTARY | With the new additions to the 9-9-9 Tax Plan, Herman Cain gives the perception that he is waging war on working-class Americans. His new Opportunity Zones give companies the opportunity to abstain from paying minimum wages and allows for "Right to Work" areas anywhere in the country. The plan would also allow special breaks to people who live in Opportunity Zones. These changes are going to make Cain's road to the White House even rockier.

Minimum Wage

The thought that doing away with the minimum wage will create jobs appears to be along the same lines as trickle-down economics. While this might work in theory, like trickle-down, it does not take greed into consideration. One of the main causes for the current economic crisis is greed. It was progressed by the greed of banks, loan companies and people that "needed" a bigger house than they could afford. Companies would not hire more people, they would simply pay people less.

Right to Work

Union jobs are often the highest-paying jobs that people can get without higher education. While I am not a strong supporter of the unions, I understand that they are often a necessary evil to battling the greed of corporations. If given the opportunity to break the unions, companies would do so and hand out less benefits and less pay. Life in the United States would worsen as the average income would decrease.

Breaks in Opportunity Zones

The 9-9-9 Tax Plan would wipe out tax breaks for people who are below the poverty level unless they were to live in an Opportunity Zone. So what this means is that if a person were living in poverty, they would have to move to an Opportunity Zone to get any type of help. How is it that this would not set up ghettos around the United States as all of the poor were rounded up in specific places?

The changes to the 9-9-9 Tax Plan have taken Herman Cain's plan from a great idea to absolute warfare on the lower and middle class. The United States cannot move forward unless we all work together to lift up those that need it. Many of Cain's supporters point to a thought that their candidate is reminiscent of Ronald Reagan. With the new changes to his plan, Cain resembles the worst mistake that Reagan ever made.


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