Tuesday 16 August 2011

More Triond Tips

Things to do to protect and promote their contributions Triond.

Once you have been published on Triond, their work begins, ie the police and promote your writing. Every day, if possible, twice a day, visit Triond and verification "Comments." Want to be vigilant and protect against spam and inappropriate comments. SPAM is one of the most annoying and destructive practices.

First, it does not remove the site. Anyone who sees the ad is off. A reader might assume that its publication is only a "front" for spam and stop reading. The assumption that the webmaster and / or support SPAM author of the item.

Readers do not publish comments that could end up assuming the "list" somewhere. SPAM is not only wrong, they are not taking the "comment" opportunity to spit obscenities and insults.

Messages containing inappropriate language should be removed as it looks. This is not only cheaper place, but to deter others from commenting. This is not a free speech issue. Seeing the obscene or inappropriate language in a comment to one of his articles he suggests (that) has left the scene. So leave a comment is a waste of time as the author (who) is not around to read it.

Delete spam and inappropriate comments you see them. As soon as the first words you read, delete it. Every minute is in place is a reader minutes back.

Review "comments" every day to determine if the responses have been posted, its nature and respond to real answers.

In response, you represent that you are interested in messages from their readers, who are physically reachable, and that your site is alive.

The more comments the better. When someone disagrees with you an answer demonstrates his interest. Sometimes you can defend your point, and this may lead to an interesting debate in which others respond to comments and you might be led to do a follow-up article.

Even if you have "Thank You", the mere appearance that the author is sufficient to point to the possibility of commentators that his words are not written in vain.

Promoting your site never stops. When published, start sending your work to various bookmarking sites, StumbleUpon, Digg, Reddit, etc

After a month, some of these markers "expire" and send the link again. Every few months a full assessment of his published works, ensuring that have linked all possible sites and the links are active.

Often you'll resubmit your site to the "bookmarks" and get a mix of new hits. Sometimes you have posted an article months ago suddenly becomes topical. What you need to go back to it and promote it. Sometimes the information is not updated and may want to provide a solution or rewrite and republish it.

Unlike the old days of permanence of paper, cyberspace is volatile and alive. The momentum change in the facts, you can get your article and correct it, so it remains today. Take advantage of the media. Just being published by Triond is not the end of their participation, if you want to succeed. Remember the hits more, money.?

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